MOPS – Developing Relationships

Have you ever really thought about what MOPS means to you, besides being a mother of a preschooler(s)?  As we start to wrap up another year, I got to thinking why I attend our MOPS meetings, why this group is important to me.   I think the most I took out of this year was in developing my relationships with some of these amazing women who I believe God has placed in my life to help me grow as a mom, a woman and a friend.  Even though my attendance wasn’t very regular due to illness once again in my family, I always felt welcome on the nights I did attend.  Yes, I liked having dinner made for me, wait I actually loved that.  I liked making the prayer dice (which is the only way our children don’t fight praying at dinner now, thanks!), and learning how to make my own laundry soap and how to be resourceful with coupons.  I even enjoyed learning how to knit.  Who knew knitting could be so challenging yet rewarding? Thanks MOPS for helping me learn many new things from, and with other women.

When I look back on the year I think about all of our outreach to the community we moms provided.  I keep thinking about the many things our group was able to do for other moms in need, even if they weren’t regular attendees of our meetings.  It was nice to see us provide meals to moms who just had babies, sick moms with sick kids and even teen moms we didn’t even know.   The heart and women in our ministry collectively, as each one does a small part, has been what has made us successful.

Another great thing about this group is that I know I can put a prayer request out there and have moms praying for our family or me praying for others, as God is always ready to listen.  I praise God for the work he has done in Leland MOPS and even in the lives of women outside of our ministry.

I have to tell you, before this year I would have said I liked the learning, speakers and crafts more than the developing relationships part of it.  This is because meeting new people and “letting people in” has been so far out of my comfort zone and was risky to me, sometimes even scary.   But, over the past five years of being in Leland MOPS, God’s work in my life with answered prayers and guidance, and the women in this ministry, I’ve learned how to develop relationships with some of these women; I’ve learned to trust again.  Praise God.  I have met some really great women, mothers, leaders, and friends, some all rolled into one, at this MOPS group.    Do you have a success through MOPS or praise for God?

I believe God has provided MOPS as part of my “survival” in this life so far.  We mommies need to stick together and reach out to more moms.  No one knows another mom’s story until we reach out to her.  That mom that looks like she has it all together on the outside might be broken on the inside.  One would never know if we don’t bother to ask.  Have you ever pretended or put on that everything was just fine in your life, when really you needed someone so desperately to confide in?  When we start to grow in relationship with each other, we grow as a group of moms, friends.  There is strength in numbers and all of us offer each other something different.  Some offer advice, some encouragement, and some prayer.  Some offer a shoulder (or an ear through the phone) to cry on, some babysitting services, and the list goes on.  We have such an important job raising these little people God has placed in our care.  And to be good moms we have to be healthy women; physically, emotionally and spiritually.

     I’m learning God designed us to have relationships with each other, more than just “ how are you?” and not really expecting more than a” fine” or “good.” Our Creator wants us to live true, in depth lives with one another, even though sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zone and risk getting hurt.  We need each other as strength and support against the schemes and lies of the devil.  I’ve learned more than ever this year how important it is to reach out and lean on other moms for strength and wisdom, no matter how difficult it seemed at the time. To help pick each other up when we have fallen or encourage when we have succeeded; to build relationships.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:8-10

As we approach summer, most families’ busiest time of the year, it is important that we maintain some of the relationships we have started to build this winter.  It is important that we spend our time here on earth wisely, with the people dearest to us and our family.  So I challenge you this summer to be purposeful in spending time in relationship with friends and family, as we never know how much time we have here on earth.

Dear God, I am so thankful for the women and relationships you have brought into my life and children’s lives.  I know I fail at relationships sometimes but I pray you help me through my struggles, as I am not perfect.   I am thankful for all the answered prayers this year in our MOPS group.  I pray that you help moms reach out to each other through good times and bad and that your hand in this ministry continues to be present and help us grow not only in numbers, but in faith and love for one another. Please give the moms that are a part of this ministry and those that will become part of it, wisdom and peace on their mothering journey.   I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Have a great summer- Kim Gordon

2 thoughts on “MOPS – Developing Relationships

  1. Great job Kim. I loved this!!!! Such an inspiration and I am so lucky to have you and your family in my life you are such a blessing and answer to prayer. I am excited about getting together spending more time with our families this summer. thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Ditto what Kallie expresses… You have a hidden talent!!! keep on writing from your heart…it blessed me and I’m sure it has blessed others. I am also blessed that you have let me “in” this year. Hope things work out that we can work together with the preschoolers at WSCC MOPS next year! Thanks for reaching out of your comfort zone and into my HDHD world! :))))

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